(Route of the 7 Lakes and Flies)
We head inland along the Ruta de Siete Lagos – a couple days of cycling with 40 kms of it not yet finished but a good unsealed road. Our first stop was near a tourist mecca and we camped out of town by gorgeous beach – very busy by day as local swim spot, then empty by night bar some young folks socialising around fire with music and singing. Luckily only till midnight. Us old folks need our beauty sleep.
Next day we climbed again to approx 12000m but wonderfully graded road and lots of fine vistas. We met the dreaded mosca (black fly) that Nina had warned us about. Biking uphill we are sometimes too slow and the mosca does love the sweat! They land without notice and leave with a wee bite but no reaction.
We have second b’fast at roadside restaurant and get to fumble thru some Spanish with lovely owner and his daughter who speaks some English.
Lago Falkner is a beautiful lake where we have the beach to ourselves and no evening parties.